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        COVID-19...its changing all of us
There is no doubt that this worldwide pandemic is changing all of us. We are striving to help you have good information about what is going on in our nation (and world) concerning the virus, and we also want to provide helpful tools for you to grow closer to God during these difficult days.
Online sermon series
A vital part of growing our faith is to have the Word of God delivered to us by our pastor. His vision and leadership, especially during difficult days, will provide the encouragement, instruction and message from the scriptures that we need to thrive. Don't miss a single week as we provide an online experience that will uplift and challenge you and your family. All of these services will be livestreamed at 10:30. Just click the new series entitled, "Fearless."
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Kids Church Online!
We are missing having our Kids Church every Sunday. We have the best kids on the planet, and we miss you guys like you can't believe! Since we can't be together, we wanted to still have Kids Church for you online! We can't wait to sing, dance, play games, and have an awesome Bible lesson! Don't miss it!
Kids Church will have a new experience every Sunday!
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Deeper Groups
These groups are designed for 3-5 people. We have two basic formats: 1) a devotion-based study group where you engage Scripture separately and discuss it in this format; and 2) a DBS (Discovery Bible Study) methodology that allows your group to discover and apply the truths of Scripture together in a single meeting.
*With the current "shelter in place" order for multiple counties, all of these meetings will be held online.
Need supplies but are unable to leave your home?
God  has called us to help those in need. If you find yourself restricted to your home during these days, we want to make sure you get what you need. We have people ready to deliver your prescriptions, food, and other essentials to you during this time. Sign up below for assistance.
Contact us for assistance.
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Pastor's Prayer Team
Join this team to receive a daily prayer request list of significant issues facing our ministry and world. You will receive a text every morning at 7:00 from our lead pastor, Josh Baer. With the many needs and challenges we are facing in our world today, prayer is more important than ever.
Text @399676 to 81010 to join, or you may also join here.
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Religious Doubt Counseling​
Has this situation in the world caused you, or someone you know, to doubt your salvation, the goodness of God, or even the existence of God? Our executive pastor, Ron Davis, has founded CORE Apologetics, a ministry designed to help you stand strong in your faith. One of the most significant parts of this ministry is dealing with those who are doubting their faith (or a truth claim of Christianity). This kind of doubt is so painful, and Ron has developed a "7 Day Journey to Dealing With Doubt" course to help anyone who is struggling in this area. Ron also specializes in doubt counseling via email and/or in person. He requests that you go through the course before contacting him directly. All of this information is at CORE's website.
Dealing wit Doubt home page
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CRAMERTON FWB CHURCH   |   426 WOODLAWN AVE, CRAMERTON, NC 28032   |   704.824.2840
Sunday Worship @ 10:30 AM   |   Sunday Life Groups @ 9:30 AM   |   Wednesday Prayer Meeting @ 6:30 PM
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