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What do we do when circumstances out of our control bring fear that seems almost impossible to overcome? Listen to Josh teach how God helped guide the nation of Israel through the prophet Isaiah and what it means for us today. Find out how to not only fear less but to be "fearless."
Part One | The Person & Power of God
Isaiah 41:10 is the message of God to the nation of Israel at a time where their national existence and promise of coming Messiah seems to be in jeopardy. Great fear is upon the people because of the external threat that is completely out of their control. The command to "fear not" seems impossible i night of their circumstances. Sound familiar? Listen as Josh explain how the Person and Power of God make all of the difference in the world!
Want to go deeper into this text? Use our deeper guide with you family, small group, even individually. Deeper | Fearless | Part One 
Part Two | The Presence of God
Josh continues to discuss how to fear less and be fearless in the face of uncontrollable circumstances that shake our world and our lives. How amazing is it to think that you and I can live in the presence of God, the all-powerful, transcendent being who spoke this world into existence and loves us so much it cannot be defined? This message will help you understand what the presence of God is and how to have it in your life.
Want to go deeper into this text? Use our deeper guide with you family, small group, even individually. Deeper | Fearless | Part Two 
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Part Three | The Promises of God
What do we do now? Josh answers this question as he finishes this practical and powerful study on how to fear less and be "fearless." The promises of God are all throughout the Bible. How can we know that they will be kept? What exactly are these promises for us today in a time of extreme uncertainty and fear? The answers to these questions will encourage and enlighten you. 
Want to go deeper into this text? Use our deeper guide with you family, small group, even individually. Deeper | Fearless | Part Three
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Sunday Worship @ 10:30 AM   |   Sunday Life Groups @ 9:30 AM   |   Wednesday Prayer Meeting @ 6:30 PM
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