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Saturday the 7th

12:00 PM | Happy Hearts Christmas Celebration

Our Happy Hearts (ages 50+) always have a great time when they get together for food and fellowship! Join them Saturday, December 7th, at Noon for a Christmas Catered Lunch ($15/person) and a Christmas Movie ("I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day").
It will be in the Gym Cafeteria. Be sure to sign up at the Welcome Center. See Kyle Brown for more information.

Sunday the 8th

10:30 AM | Kids Christmas Program

There's something special about kids and Christmas! Our Cramerton Church Kids will present their Christmas Program "Glory to God in the Highest" - celebrating the birth of Jesus - in our Sunday Worship service. During the service, Child Care is provided for ages 0-4 in the Preschool Building. â€‹

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Sunday the 15th

10:30 AM | Cramerton Church Choir Christmas Program

Enjoy the sounds of the season with a special focus on the true meaning of the season! The Cramerton Church Choir will present their Christmas Program, "This is Jesus", during our Sunday Worship. During the service, Child Care is provided for ages 0-4 in the Preschool Building.​

Sunday the 15th

12:00 PM | Church Christmas Fellowship Luncheon

After the worship service, join us in the Gym for our annual Christmas Fellowship Luncheon. We'll enjoy soups and sandwiches along with a variety of Christmas treats - and as always, some great fellowship together!

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Tuesday the 17th

6:30 PM | Ladies Coffee Mug Exchange

Ladies of all ages are invited to the Baers' house for a Coffee Mug Exchange. Bring a wrapped coffee mug for a fun swapping party. Refreshments will be served. Sign up at the Welcome Center.

Sunday the 22nd

10:30 AM | Christmas Worship Family Sunday & Christmas Communion

Join us for a special time of Christmas Worship for the entire family. Kids ages 5+ will worship together with us in the Auditorium as we focus on the true meaning of Christmas. We'll also take part in a special Christmas Communion. During the service, Child Care is provided for ages 0-4 in the Preschool Building. 

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Christmas Eve

5:00 PM | Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Bring your family and gather with us for this very special time of Christmas Candlelight Worship as we tune our hearts to the true reason for the season. During the service, Child Care is provided for ages 0-3 in the Preschool Building. 

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